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Showing posts from March, 2019

School is for learning

School is not about passing, it is about learning. We go to school every Monday to Friday to learn new things and after months a periodical test to test if we have something left in our minds. If we learned but for this generation. Many things have changed. Many of us wanted to pass but not everyone wanted to learn. We want to achieve things in simple way ---no struggles. I once had that mindset. After test, you'll not need it anymore and another lesson comes. In TLE 4th Quarter, many of us did not apply what we have learned in the past years. We reviewed our photoshop skills and most of us have the hard time doing it again. We also did the reporting, and again, I had the hard time talking in front. I learned that I must overcome my weaknesses because I will always have the hard time everytime I will talk infront of people. And, never forget what you have learned. There are times that you will need it. Things come in unexpected way. Always be ready. This is not the end, but a s

Dream, believe, survive!

Dreams are meant to be achieve. We dreamed, dreaming and will always dream about our future because we all want for the best. We wanted to be professionals someday. My goal is to finish my studies and pursue my dream to become an Accountant like my parents. I always have time to finish my assignments and activities in school because I believe that Education is the key to success. I have more chance to reach my dreams if I have the standards for that job. I can use my skills I've learned in school. I can do my work easier and better. As I started the journey to my plans, I experienced alot of struggles but I just need to think positive. Problems are just problems. Think about your dream and impossible becomes possible. Always remember that every color has its own beauty. Even the black and white, it depends how the artist make a masterpiece with it. Think about your dream, think about your future. Stars shine brightest in the dark.

117th Fun Day

"We didn't realize we were making memories. We just thought we were having fun" Before school year ends, we celebrate the Highschool day. For this year, 117th Highschool Day was celebrated last March 1 and 2, 2019. On the first day afternoon, the Princes and the Princesses were recognized in the gym. His Royal Highness Angeleo Paet and Her Majesty Queen Jannelle Maria Unciano are the Mr. and Ms. ISNHS Coronation Ceremony. On the second day, the program started with a parade of all students together with their loving advisers. On the afternoon, students showed their performance on the field. Not just that, teachers also showed off their moves. It was worth all the practices we've made. And the crown goes to the Grade 8 students! Highschool day celebrated every school year yet we still feel the excitement and fun before and during the event. Next school year, I hope to add more contests and booths to show the skills of the students. The more the merrier!