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Scavenger Hunt

VALUE: Sources/Author/Date Published/Sponsor/Copyright
Search Engine
Search Technique
1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT, named, started an experiment hole in a wall.
New Delhi physicist Sugata Mitra
Businessweek Online Daily Briefing/
March 2, 2000/
Edited by Paul Judge
Phrase searching

2. What does NIIT stands for?
National Institute of Information Technology.
Vijay Thadani and Rajendra Pawar
Phrase searching
3. It was implemented at a slum area in New Delhi.
Hole in the wall education Ltd.
Pseudo-Boolean Logic
4. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from slum areas. Why did they carve hole in the wall?
Dr. Sugata Mitra's team
Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited (HiWEL)
Phrase Searching
5. What was the significant finding of the experiment?
The results, which have been uniformly encouraging, show that children learn to operate as well as play with the computer with minimum intervention. They picked up skills and tasks by constructing their own learning environment.
Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited (HiWEL)
Pseudo-Boolean Logic
6. What could be the implications of this finding to existing teaching practices especially those that are related with the use of ICT in learning?
An effective assessment task is one which assesses students' attainment of the learning outcomes. Unit learning outcomes are what students are expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in a unit.
Macquarie University
Phrase Searching


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