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Showing posts from January, 2019

Version 2.0

The only permanent thing in this world is CHANGE. It's up to you if you wanted to change for the better or for worse. Your life,your choice. Every new year, here comes the New Year's resolution - things you wanted to change about you. New looks, interests, attitude, crush. New you. As time passes by, we're pacing a lot of struggles but we have different point of views on how we see it, in a positive or negative way. We discover new things, new experiences that make us unique. As a student, there's a hectic schedule where we have to choose. Someone told me that I must have a notebook to sort things from an important, more important and most important. In times that I have to choose, I would never regret and get stress about it. And, in highschool, there will always have a person you will not get along with. My 2019, I will be ready for tbe things that will come. I've learned to stand without anyone's help. I am more stronger. I will not please everyone to l