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Showing posts from December, 2018


Struggles surrounds us. It depends to us on how we see it, positively or negatively. There are times where we are forced to give up but that tests us how strong we are when problems come. Third grading was stressful. Several activities and assignments we have to finish in the same day with a limited time. We sacrifices our snack, lunch, and even our sleep time. In ICT 10, I learned to be more open to other things. Not just only depending on what you know. We need to explore more. We are still far from the finish line. We need to surpass more problems and learn new things. I learned about HTML where we are not just simply type sentences, paragraphs but on simple bold, italic, there are corresponding tags. It is not hard for me because I am enjoying what I am doing. From this, I can say that we teenagers born where technologies are everywhere and we need to explore how hard it is before. We need to test it in actual and ICT is a great help. But, loving what your doing is m


Sol Invictus Christmas celebrates by other religions as the birth of Christ wherein they have merrymaking filled with joy and having the feeling of excitement everytime this celebration is getting near. According to the, 25th of December  is the 'birthday of the sun' where great pagans religious celebration of the Mithras cult where held all through the empire. Pagans are different from Christians. Pope Julius I officially declared December 25 as the birthday of Jesus when in fact it is the supposed birthday of a pagan God called “Sol Invictus". For them, the essence of Christmas is to fill our hearts with joy and hapoiness but actually everyday we can enjoy and have fun. Everytime we can have a bond with our family and love ones. Everytime we can talk to God. Everyday is a special day. There is no limitations and no specific date to have time with them. It is our choice.

Equality gives good opportunity

"The time has come, a fact’s a fact. It belongs to them, let’s give it back." Discrimination encountered where there is no unity. Crab mentality happened just to show they were on top. Why not take both opinions as one? Men and women are equal. No need to have a ruler and a servant. We work for each other. We need each other. It's out right to have a freedom. Go out from your comfort zone and explore the world. We can never conclude something we never try to do it. There is no result if nothing happens. We cannot underestimate the power of one another. We need equality. Equality means a lot and giving opportunities to everyone. It's our rights and we must have it. It is appropriate to be scared but it is not appropriate to be coward. Explore yourself. Life must go on as if problems never come your way. Prove that we're equal. We are all creation of God.